Body scrub with Lavender flowers

Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender and its benefits for body and skin care


Since the Middle Ages, Lavender has been utilised for many different uses, including cosmetics.
For example, to get the skin of the body soft and scented, you can prepare a mixture for a home scrub to use before showering.

Recipe for the preparation of the Lavender body scrub

  • 1 part of dried Lavender flowers,
  • 3 parts of salt,
  • 1 part cold-pressed sweet almond oil,
  • 1 clean and perfectly dry hermetically sealed jar.

  • pour salt into the jar,
  • add the almond oil and stir,
  • join the Lavender flowers and mix everything carefully.

Depending on the intensity of the scent and texture that you want to obtain from the scrub, you can add or decrease the amount of lavender and almond oil.


Plants are our great allies, but they can interact with drugs, not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for our personal sensibilities.

It is therefore always advisable to ask the suggestion of a professional.

Essential Oils, in the majority of cases, must be used diluted in carrier oils or with other vegetal substances.

As it treats of essences, they can also be irritating, especially for particularly sensitive people.

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