Helichrysum essential oil body balm

Helichrysum Italicum

Let’s learn how to use helichrysum and its soothing effects


Helichrysum is particularly indicated as a cure for skin inflammations and eczema and allergies in general.

Recipe for helichrysum balm for skin care

Prepare the following equipment:

  • 1 low pot,
  • 1 bowl,
  • 1 whip,
  • 1 teaspoon,
  • 1 scale that weighs the gram,
  • 1 silicone spatula, sterilize some cans, boiling them in water and with alcohol,
  • disposable gloves.

Preparation and use:

  • 150 grams almond oil,
  • 15 g coconut oil,
  • 35 g beeswax,
  • 40 drops of Helichrysum essential oil

  • after wearing gloves, weigh the oils and wax and melt them in a bain-marie, trying not to raise the temperature above 65 °C
  • when the wax is completely dissolved, cool the mixture, in a cold bain-marie in the sink and, when it is warm, add the helichrysum essential oil.
  • Once ready, pour the balm into the jars: to help you filling them, heat the teaspoon in the warm water of the bain-marie, so you will avoid the thermal shock.


Plants are our great allies, but they can interact with drugs, not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for our personal sensibilities.

It is therefore always advisable to ask the suggestion of a professional.

Essential Oils, in the majority of cases, must be used diluted in carrier oils or with other vegetal substances.

As it treats of essences, they can also be irritating, especially for particularly sensitive people.

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