How to prepare a D.I.Y. Helichrysum oleolite
Helichrysum Italicum
Helichrysum and its therapeutic action
By cold maceration you can prepare an oleolite, that is, an oily solution without water, to be used as a healing ointment.
Recipe for Helichrysum oleolite
- fill a glass jar with Helichrysum flowers and extra virgin olive oil and close it hermetically,
- shake the container once a day for 40 days
- then filter the oil and store it in a dark glass bottle away from light and keep cool.
- you can use it for redness, skin cracks, dermatitis, eczema.
Plants are our great allies, but they can interact with drugs, not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for our personal sensibilities.
It is therefore always advisable to ask the suggestion of a professional.
Essential Oils, in the majority of cases, must be used diluted in carrier oils or with other vegetal substances.
As it treats of essences, they can also be irritating, especially for particularly sensitive people.
Società agricola cooperativa L'Ortofrutticola | Reg. Massaretti, 30/1 - 17031 Albenga | P.IVA/C.F. 00110420098 |
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