Here are several applications of Tarragon:
- Digestive tonic; its smell is strong and slightly acrid, it stimulates the appetite, it an effective remedy for ailments such as colitis and aerophagia.
It is also a mild sedative for treating stomach pain. These properties are due to the presence of mono terpenes and flavonoids that stimulate the production of gastric juices.
- Powerful antispasmodic; it fights respiratory allergies, rheumatic and menstrual pains, neuritis and polyneuritis, cramps and spasms (hiccups).
- It facilitates the intake of bitter medicines. If you chew Tarragon leaves, you will reduce the sensitivity of the taste buds.
- Tarragon contains many mineral salts and vitamins, in particular vitamin A and vitamin C, antioxidant and essential substances to strengthen our immune system.
- Tarragon is used against toothache and bad breath, it is depurative and antibacterial and thins the blood.