Oregano essential oil is an excellent natural remedy to take care of your health, it is considered the most powerful antiseptic known so far. One of the substances contained is carvacrol, useful to counteract the spread of viruses and bacteria. Together with thyme and eucalyptus essential oils, Oregano oil is the most used to purify the house.
Topical use of Oregano essential oil
- Effective against onychomycosis (the athlete's foot), just apply a few drops of Oregano essential oil on the infected nail and massage until completely absorbed. Apply twice a day for the time necessary for a complete recovery.
- Very diluted it can be used in creams, muds and oils for an anticellulite and draining action.
Massages with Oregano essential oil
Very diluted with sweet almond oil, the essence of Oregano is excellent for the following purposes, hereunder some examples:
For cellulite
- Massage the legs starting from the feet upwards, it helps to reduce the imperfections of cellulite.
Uses of Oregano essential oil
Internal, for diffusion and suffimigation.
Internal use
Mix 2-3 drops of Oregano essential oil in a teaspoon of honey or in a little bit of water, this will help to calm the cough and dissolve the phlegm.
Excellent environmental disinfectant; 1 drop of Oregano essential oil for each sqm using a diffuser or in the radiator humidifiers.
In case of stuffy nose and phlegm, you can prepare steam inhalations with water and one/two drops of Oregano oil. It is a natural remedy with no contra-indications.
- Fill a pan half with water and bring it almost to a boil
- Add Oregano essential oil, cover your head with a towel and inhale the fumes that come out.
On an emotional level
Oregano essential oil is useful for removing blockages, negativity and morbid affection. It helps to stand up for oneself, against dissatisfaction, naivety and fears.
It helps fighting your dark side for your own joy and happiness, for those overwhelmed by life. It gives vitality, strength and pride.
Oregano essential oil is not recommended for internal and external use for someone unused. It can be irritating to mucous membranes and skin.